On Fri, 02 Dec 2011 23:52:25 +0100, Jens Hatlak wrote:
> David E. Ross wrote:
>> I've had some experience in writing user documents.  Since I much prefer
>> SeaMonkey's help capability -- embedded in the application -- over
>> relying on Web-based help, I would like to volunteer to work on this.
>> How can I get involved?
> Ideally you would set up a build environment, as explained here:
> <https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Simple_SeaMonkey_build>
> (Linux should be easiest to set up on). This way you can check whether 
> the modifications you make work out correctly.
> If this is not manageable for you, an intermediate solution would be to 
> only get the SeaMonkey sources (basically "hg clone 
> http://hg.mozilla.org/comm-central/"; after installing mercurial on Linux 
> or MozillaBuild on Windows) so that you can provide patches against the 
> sources from which Help is built.
> The minimum effort, which would however require heavy assistance from 
> SeaMonkey developers in order to make it into the final product, would 
> be to only contribute texts (like "put this here, replace that there").
> In any case you'll need a SeaMonkey trunk (nightly) build for testing 
> plus a (free) Bugzilla account. Then select the bug(s) you want to work 
> on. Query for starters:
> <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=%3Aseamonkey%20%3Ahelp>
> Anything else, like how to create and maintain patches, get reviews 
> etc., or even how to build SM, can be discussed later. For these types 
> of discussions, feel free to join the m.d.a.seamonkey newsgroup and ask 
> questions as needed.

It also helps if you have written user documentation in (X)HTML, and/or
have written a few (very basic) html web pages.


Philip Chee <phi...@aleytys.pc.my>, <philip.c...@gmail.com>
http://flashblock.mozdev.org/ http://xsidebar.mozdev.org
Guard us from the she-wolf and the wolf, and guard us from the thief,
oh Night, and so be good for us to pass.
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