On 12/23/2011 02:44 PM, Petr Voralek wrote:
>    Hello!
>   I use 64-bit version of SeaMonkey for linux (Debian GNU/Linux testing
> (Wheezy), KDE 4.6.5).
>   Starting with version 2.6 SeaMonkey does not use (when is busy (f.e.
> re/load of page)) the mouse look, which I set in KDE...
> http://members.chello.cz/nazir/tmp/fffuuu_sm-busy-pointer1.png
>   Window called "gliv" is an enlarged snapshot seamonkey browser window
> when loading a web page (notice the cursor - in previous SM versions was
> used the second or third cursor in the row over this window (KDE System
> settings)).
>   Someone else has a similar cosmetic problems (on linux, kde, or on
> windows, mac...)?

The pointer is controlled by 'ui.use_activity_cursor' in about:config. I
set to false & the cursor stays the same (no timer). Set to true and the
cursor with timer appears when busy. (linux GNOME).
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