Hartmut Figge wrote:
David H. Durgee:
Hartmut Figge wrote:

Mnenhy can do that. You can uncheck 'Inherit parent data' in 'Folder
Storage' in the context menu of a folder.

Sounds good, but just like "Folder Flags" when I go to the web site for
the add-on it notes "Not available for SeaMonkey 2.6.1", so here we go

A look into the install.rdf shows 'maxVersion="2.6a1'. I haven't noticed
that because i have disabled the compatibility check for my SMs. Mnenhy
works fine on my SM 2.9a1, but has issues with last TBs.

You could change the maxVersion, perhaps 'Folder Flags' will also work
then on your SM 2.6.1.


I went ahead and downloaded the Folder Flags xpi file and edited the maxVersion for SeaMonkey from 2.2.* to 2.6.* and was able to install it at that point. It appears to be functioning properly, as I was able to flag the "Old" and "Older" folders as "Inbox" or "Outbox" as appropriate and the columns are now appropriate for the type of folder.

Now the only further improvement would be if I could reorder the folders under the server logically.

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