Working (as I am at the moment) on a project that makes extensive
use of client-side JavaScript, I am very dependent on the Seamonkey
error console to alert me to problems with my coding.  But because
the error console monitors /all/ errors, and because I am typically
using at least half-a-dozen concurrent instantiations of Seamonkey,
I am told about a large number of errors that are completely
irrelevant to my development work.  What I would like is the following :

1) To be able to tell the error console to watch only one instantiation of 
2) To cause the error console to be displayed whenever the Seamonkey
        window associated with that instantiation is brought to the top.

So far, I have managed neither of these.  Are they possible, please,
and if so, how ?

Philip Taylor
support-seamonkey mailing list

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