On 1/22/12 4:52 PM, NoOp wrote:
> On 01/22/2012 12:57 PM, Jens Hatlak wrote:
>> David E. Ross wrote:
>>> When I try to install BetterPrivacy 1.68 in SeaMonkey 2.6.1, I get the
>>> following error:  "BetterPrivacy could not be installed because it is
>>> not compatible with SeaMonkey 2.6.1."  I get this even when I attempt to
>>> install directly from the AMO site (not my usual practice).
>> With the ACR installed, compatibility checks disabled or SM 2.7, you can 
>> install the penultimate version of the add-on from its Version History page.
>>> By the way, selecting the link
>>> <https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/seamonkey/addon/betterprivacy/>
>>> redirects to
>>> <https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/betterprivacy/>.
>> This is because AMO seems to only check the latest add-on version, which 
>> is no longer declared compatible with SM (author's fault).
> ...
> Jens, any possiblity that the compatibility reporter can include a
> box/tick that the extension works if the install.rdf is modified?
> For example: with SM 2.7b4 (linux) the following are fine with a
> modified install.rdf:
> - Novell Moonlight
> - Password Exporter 1.2.1
> But, if the install.rdf is modifed (to say
> '<em:maxVersion>2.8.*</em:maxVersion>'" and works, the compatibility
> reporter denotes: "Marked as compatible by developer" when it actually
> wasn't. But the add-on works when modified locally.
> Yes, I understand that it is up to the add-on developer to keep this
> updated (install.rdf), and that is not the issue I am pointing out. The
> issue is how to sort out compatibility when the install.rdf has been
> modified locally _and_ the add-on works when modified.

Note that BetterPrivacy 1.68 as downloaded from AMO has install.rdf
containing the following:

  <Description RDF:about="rdf:#$dLacB4"

Should not this work with SeaMonkey 2.6.1?


David E. Ross

Anyone who thinks government owns a monopoly on inefficient, obstructive
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