On Sun, 22 Jan 2012 22:33:16 -0500, Rostyslaw Lewyckyj wrote:
> Jay Garcia wrote:
>> On 22.01.2012 03:14, Jochen Roderburg wrote:
>>   --- Original Message ---
>>> Anybody knows why this seamonkey newsgroup is no longer available via Google
>>> groups? They say:
>>> The group named mozilla.support.seamonkey has been removed because it
>>> violated Google's Terms Of Service.
>>> No more explanations.  :-(
>>> That's a pity because I found it always very convenient to browse through
>>> the discussions there.  I used the direct NNTP access only when I wanted to
>>> post something myself (like this message  ;-)
>>> Regards, Jochen Roderburg
>> I filed a bug on this:
>> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=720223
> Now, if, somebody manages to 'resurrect' the *Google* group
> mozilla.support.seamonkey what kind of mess will be the result?
> There will be the 'official' newsgroup mozilla.support.seamonkey hosted on the
> Mozilla news server.
> There will be the 'Google' group mozilla.support.seamonkey hosted at Google 
> and
> There may be the/an Internet newsgroup mozilla.support.seamonkey (if one has
> gotten created within that structure)
> Items posted on 'official' newsgroup will be picked up by the other two.
> Discussions posted to Google will probably remain locked up within Google and
> things posted to the Internet newsgroup mozilla.support.seamonkey will get
> passed on to those hosts which receive that newsgroup. They may get picked up
> by Google. But will probably not make it to the Mozilla news server.
> (This last situation was the case with the Netscape newsgroups, where there 
> were
> any number of postings floating around but not getting archived to the
> 'official' collection.)
> So of what benefit is it create/resurrect the Google group named
> mozilla.support.seamonkey? Certainly let, encourage, Google to archive and
> mirror the content on the Mozilla news server, but not to set up a private
> group with private contents.

The mozilla.* groups on Google Groups *are* supposed to be mirrors for
the official newsgroup/mailing list. Which is why it's so puzzling that
it was removed for violating the Google TOS.


Philip Chee <phi...@aleytys.pc.my>, <philip.c...@gmail.com>
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oh Night, and so be good for us to pass.
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