On 12-01-22 10:33 PM, _Rostyslaw Lewyckyj_ spoke thusly:
Now, if, somebody manages to 'resurrect' the *Google* group
mozilla.support.seamonkey what kind of mess will be the result?

There will be the 'official' newsgroup mozilla.support.seamonkey hosted
on the
Mozilla news server.
There will be the 'Google' group mozilla.support.seamonkey hosted at
Google and
There may be the/an Internet newsgroup mozilla.support.seamonkey (if one
gotten created within that structure)

Items posted on 'official' newsgroup will be picked up by the other two.
Discussions posted to Google will probably remain locked up within
Google and
things posted to the Internet newsgroup mozilla.support.seamonkey will get
passed on to those hosts which receive that newsgroup. They may get
picked up
by Google. But will probably not make it to the Mozilla news server.
(This last situation was the case with the Netscape newsgroups, where
there were
any number of postings floating around but not getting archived to the
'official' collection.)

So of what benefit is it create/resurrect the Google group named
mozilla.support.seamonkey? Certainly let, encourage, Google to archive and
mirror the content on the Mozilla news server, but not to set up a private
group with private contents.

When the Mozilla newsgroups were created, Google agreed not to include them in their feed to other Usenet servers. It's a bi-directional connection between Google Groups and news.mozilla.org, and nowhere else. For more info, see <http://www-archive.mozilla.org/community/giganews-migration.html>

Chris Ilias <http://ilias.ca>
Newsgroup moderator
support-seamonkey mailing list

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