Daniel wrote:

Philip TAYLOR wrote:
Does Seamonkey not make any use of DNS cacheing ? I am staggered
at the number of occasions when a re-visit to a page at which
I was only a few second before results in the status text

"Looking up www.thehappypiper.yolasite.com"

or whatever.

Philip Taylor

Do you want SeaMonkey displaying the current content of the website you
are looking at??

As I understand things, when you make a request for a web page,
SeaMonkey sends off a request for the date/time the web page was
created. It then compare this info with the info for the web page it has
in cache.

If the date/Time info is the same, SeaMonkey then re-displays what is in
cache...if the web data is later, SeaMonkey then downloads the latest data.

The question wasn't whether SM caches the page, which of course is subject to the user's settings, but whether it caches DNS. Should it really have to look up the IP address a minute later before retrieving the fresh content?

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
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