I'd suggest using a separate product to keep track of all your userids
& passwords.  That way you're not restricted to a single browser,
backup/restore is easier, you're not SOL when the browser vendor
decides to change (or drop!) functionality, etc.

I like password safe - http://sourceforge.net/projects/passwordsafe/


On 3/24/12, Walter <nobody.u.no@nowhere.atall> wrote:
> I need expert help. I posted earlier with my problems concerning the
> loss of my passwords. Things are worse than when I posted earlier.
> I am now asked, right up front, to enter password for google. It doesn't
> seem to matter whether I chose to enter it or ignore it, life goes on.
> Equipment: HP desktop, Pavilion NY705AA-ABA p6204y, Windows 7, Home
> Premium, all additions up to date. Sea Monkey 2.8, Avast free, Zone
> Alarm free, Windows Defender-up to date.
> My future plan/proposal:
>       Uninstall SM entirely
>       Delete Profile (if I can find it)
>       Delete any other SM files (completely obliterate SM)
>       Select a new browser, install, configure. Suggestions please. I
>       am leaning toward Safari and Google Chrome. I have looked at    
>       Opera but did not like it. Import bookmarks but not passwords.
>       Establish two e-mail accounts. They will be the ones from my
>       ISP and one from gmail. I realize I will have to build
>       password file from scratch but I can live with that.
> Now: Is this plan feasible/doable/advisable? I have about 50 years
> experience around computers (1st generation, 1960 IBM RAMAC - 2012
> Windows 7) but I have been left behind and overwhelmed by changes in
> technology since my retirement in 1984.
> My main goal is to get rid of the requirement for entering username
> and/or passwords every time I turn around and to simplify my use and the
> enjoyment of using my computer. Any advise, encouragement, help or
> criticisms respectfully considered.
> Walter
> P.S. I have run a scan with Avast and no problems were detected.
> w
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