I have two Seamonkey profiles: one for normal use and another one for archiving all my old email.
I'm using Seamonkey 2.0.14 on a PPC G4 based Mac running MacOSX 10.5.8).

Having just reinstalled all my files from a backup drive I'm having trouble with the "archive" profile (the normal profile works fine). When choosing the archive profile the crash reporter pops up with the following message:

We're sorry.
The application had a problem and crashed.
Unfortunately the crash reporter is unable to submit a report for this crash.
Details: The application didn't leave an application data file.


Remembering that I've run into these problems before I immediately opened the "Mail" folder inside the archive profile folder (~/Library/Application Support/SeaMonkey/Profiles/PROFILE.NAME/Mail/ACCOUNTNAME) to have a look. Next (after quitting SM) I created an empty folder within the "Mail" folder's account-name subfolder and moved all the mail files to it and restarted SM with the archive folder. Worked fine, confirming that the Mail folder is the culprit. Next I move one by one mailbox ("NAME.sbd", "NAME.msf" and "NAME" files) back into the "Mail/ACCOUNTNAME/" folder followed by restarting SM to see which file(s) are the problem. Actually it seems many files cause the problem, but I can't find any pattern or other reasons why. I've already deleted all the .msf index files inside the archive folder and its sub-folder) without that solving the problem either.
Any ideas?

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