Ray_Net wrote:

WLS wrote, On 21/04/2012 19:13:

What is preventing you from changing the .eml extension to .txt?
When i save it with the .txt extension double-clicking on it -> NOTEPAD
opens it showing
Subject: <the subject>
From:<the from address>
Date:<the date sent>
To:<the to address>

When I saved your message as .eml and opened it with Notepad, I saw the full headers and everything, as if I had hit CTRL-U.

BUT !!!

When i save it with the .eml extension, if i double-click on it -> SM
opens it showing
Subject: <missing or blank>
From:<missing or blank>
Date:<missing or blank>
To:<missing or blank>

Is this another unresolved SM bug ?

When I opened exactly the same file with SeaMonkey, everything was there, properly formatted, no omissions or corruptions. So if it's a bug, it's peculiar to your installation (I'm using 2.8 as well).

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