On 03/05/2012 23:17, David E. Ross wrote:
> On 5/3/12 5:44 AM, Ken wrote:
>> Since either SeaMonkey version 2.9 or 2.9.1 I noticed that the vertical 
>> scroll bar buttons move the page up or down about three lines rather 
>> than a single line.  Is there a setting I can make that will allow the 
>> page to move only one line when the buttons are clicked upon with the 
>> mouse?  I am NOT talking about the scroll wheel on the mouse, but the up 
>> and down buttons at each end of the vertical scroll bar.  Thanks.
> Aha!  It's not me!  It's SeaMonkey.  I thought something was strange
> when I scrolled.  The same thing is happening with the scroll bar
> slider.  I can no longer scroll just one line.

Change that from 3 to 1


Philip Chee <phi...@aleytys.pc.my>, <philip.c...@gmail.com>
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