gjikkl wrote:

> Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
>> gjikkl wrote:
>>> Ed Mullen wrote:
>>>> Win 7 32-bit, 4Gb RAM, SM 2.9.1. 12 tabs open. 155,740 Kb of RAM
>>>> used.
>>> Win 7 64-bit, 4Gb RAM, SM 2.9.1. 18 tabs open. 519,296 Kb of RAM used.
>> Pray tell, what pages are opened in those 18 tabs?
> Sorry I can't.

Because you don't want to reveal, or because you can't remember?

The reason I asked is because your half-gigabyte is way far and above 
what I get from a similar number of tabs. If one is checking memory used 
by *tabs*, one does not normally load up a dozen different pages filled 
with images and videos which will skew the results. My testing page for 
this experiment was a simple local page of about 4 KB, opened a dozen 
times and resulting in less than a tenth of your version.

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