Interviewed by CNN on 18/05/2012 16:23, Beauregard T. Shagnasty told the

> The reason I asked is because your half-gigabyte is way far and above 
> what I get from a similar number of tabs. If one is checking memory used 
> by *tabs*, one does not normally load up a dozen different pages filled 
> with images and videos which will skew the results. My testing page for 
> this experiment was a simple local page of about 4 KB, opened a dozen 
> times and resulting in less than a tenth of your version.

OK, just to give something reproducible:

I have a set of tabs I open daily to check my comics. Those are:

13 pages, all containing images, some of them containing several images,
some of them containing ads and other crap (although NoScript blocks
quite a bit of those). Plus Seamonkey Mail, plus the message editor
(Composer) where I'm writing this very post.

Windows Task Manager reports 326868 K for Seamonkey plus 27824 K for

About:memory gives this:

Explicit Allocations
265.52 MB (100.0%) -- explicit
├──113.50 MB (42.75%) -- js
│  ├───36.61 MB (13.79%) -- compartment([System Principal], 0x63e6000)
│  │   ├──19.02 MB (07.16%) -- gc-heap
│  │   │  ├───6.11 MB (02.30%) -- objects
│  │   │  │   ├──3.13 MB (01.18%) ── function
│  │   │  │   └──2.97 MB (01.12%) ── non-function
│  │   │  ├───4.91 MB (01.85%) -- shapes
│  │   │  │   ├──2.84 MB (01.07%) ── tree
│  │   │  │   └──2.07 MB (00.78%) ++ (2 tiny)
│  │   │  ├───4.65 MB (01.75%) ── strings
│  │   │  └───3.34 MB (01.26%) ++ (4 tiny)
│  │   ├───4.15 MB (01.56%) ++ (5 tiny)
│  │   ├───4.06 MB (01.53%) ── script-data
│  │   ├───3.38 MB (01.27%) ── analysis-temporary
│  │   ├───3.10 MB (01.17%) ── string-chars
│  │   └───2.92 MB (01.10%) ++ shapes-extra
│  ├───19.44 MB (07.32%) ++ (40 tiny)
│  ├───13.82 MB (05.20%) ── gc-heap-decommitted
│  ├───11.82 MB (04.45%) --
│  │   ├───6.48 MB (02.44%) ++ gc-heap
│  │   ├───3.20 MB (01.21%) ── script-data [2]
│  │   └───2.14 MB (00.81%) ++ (7 tiny)
│  ├────7.74 MB (02.91%) --
│  │    ├──4.32 MB (01.63%) ++ gc-heap
│  │    └──3.42 MB (01.29%) ++ (8 tiny)
│  ├────4.87 MB (01.83%) ++ compartment(
│  ├────3.65 MB (01.37%) ++ compartment(atoms)
│  ├────3.63 MB (01.37%) ++
│  ├────3.35 MB (01.26%) ── xpconnect
│  ├────2.94 MB (01.11%) ++ compartment(
│  ├────2.84 MB (01.07%) ++ compartment(
│  └────2.78 MB (01.05%) ++ compartment(
├───78.29 MB (29.48%) ── heap-unclassified
├───30.45 MB (11.47%) -- storage
│   └──30.45 MB (11.47%) -- sqlite
│      ├──13.92 MB (05.24%) ── other
│      ├──13.80 MB (05.20%) -- places.sqlite
│      │  ├──13.41 MB (05.05%) ── cache-used [3]
│      │  └───0.39 MB (00.15%) ++ (2 tiny)
│      └───2.73 MB (01.03%) ++ (11 tiny)
├───14.17 MB (05.34%) -- images
│   ├───8.13 MB (03.06%) -- content
│   │   ├──8.13 MB (03.06%) -- used
│   │   │  ├──5.40 MB (02.04%) ── raw
│   │   │  ├──2.73 MB (01.03%) ── uncompressed-heap
│   │   │  └──0.00 MB (00.00%) ── uncompressed-nonheap
│   │   └──0.00 MB (00.00%) ++ unused
│   └───6.03 MB (02.27%) -- chrome
│       ├──6.03 MB (02.27%) -- used
│       │  ├──6.03 MB (02.27%) ── uncompressed-heap
│       │  └──0.00 MB (00.00%) ++ (2 tiny)
│       └──0.00 MB (00.00%) ++ unused
├───13.40 MB (05.05%) ++ layout
├────8.05 MB (03.03%) -- dom
│    ├──4.78 MB (01.80%) -- window-objects
│    │  ├──4.50 MB (01.70%) ++ active
│    │  └──0.28 MB (00.11%) ++ (2 tiny)
│    └──3.27 MB (01.23%) -- workers()
│       └──3.27 MB (01.23%) ++
worker(chrome://ghostery/content/ghostery-scanner.js, 0xef044000ef04400)
├────4.85 MB (01.83%) ++ (6 tiny)
└────2.81 MB (01.06%) -- startup-cache
     ├──2.81 MB (01.06%) ── mapping
     └──0.00 MB (00.00%) ── data

Other Measurements
  0.22 MB ── canvas-2d-pixel-bytes
265.53 MB ── explicit
  7.69 MB ── gfx-d2d-surfacecache
 29.55 MB ── gfx-d2d-surfacevram
  8.36 MB ── gfx-surface-image
  0.00 MB ── gfx-surface-win32
191.59 MB ── heap-allocated
202.41 MB ── heap-committed
    5.34% ── heap-committed-fragmentation
  2.01 MB ── heap-dirty
 47.41 MB ── heap-unallocated
        3 ── js-compartments-system
      105 ── js-compartments-user
 64.00 MB ── js-gc-heap
 10.41 MB ── js-gc-heap-arena-unused
  0.00 MB ── js-gc-heap-chunk-clean-unused
  0.00 MB ── js-gc-heap-chunk-dirty-unused
 13.82 MB ── js-gc-heap-decommitted
    0.09% ── js-gc-heap-unused-fraction
  8.99 MB ── js-total-analysis-temporary
  5.05 MB ── js-total-mjit
 18.69 MB ── js-total-objects
 17.47 MB ── js-total-scripts
 17.53 MB ── js-total-shapes
 11.78 MB ── js-total-strings
  2.53 MB ── js-total-type-inference
        0 ── low-memory-events-physical
        0 ── low-memory-events-virtual
349.67 MB ── private
378.29 MB ── resident
  0.04 MB ── shmem-allocated
  0.04 MB ── shmem-mapped
 30.52 MB ── storage-sqlite
748.98 MB ── vsize


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... Sent from my Apple Pippin.
* Added by TagZilla 0.7a1 running on Seamonkey 2.9 *
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