>On 06/07/2012 06:55 PM, NoOp wrote:

>> Tested with a new install on two additional machines. See the bug report
>> for updates. Tested using both GNOME and KDE - result is the same, so it
>> is not a GNOME issue. I attached two screenshots:
>> 1.

I believed you without the screenshot, but nevertheless, nice to see the
D&D cursor.

>> screenshot of opened mail client.
>> 2. Selected newsgroup/inbox, moved cursor to select a subject, SeaMonkey
>> takes over the cursor.
>I just loaded up icewm & verified that it *does* occur using that dm (on
>the two test machines with new installs) as well. I've noted the same in
>the bug report.

Interesting. I have now created a new profile with 2.10, created a mail
account and no configuration otherwise. Many times started 2.10 using
'./seamonkey -mail -P 2-10' and never seen the D&D cursor.

So the situation is that we both use the same SM on Linux, both with a
new profile with only a mail account and see different behavior. Hm.

For my mail account i use localhost for incoming and sending, so the ISP
doesn't matter. I had populated the Inbox with some mails via 'mail
hafi' using the program mail from a xterm.

The difference must be something on the OS. I am using Gentoo and have
never installed a desktop environment like Gnome, KDE, XFC etc. Using
one of these will result in daemons in the background.

How did you test icewm? On a fresh installation of Linux with *only*
icewm? A minimal installation?

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