On 7/16/12 9:19 AM, Rob Steinmetz wrote:
> I have a problem, a user somehow lost the configuration of SeaMonkey and 
> their profile is not listed in the profile manager. The actual profile 
> exists but if I try to recreate the profile using Profile Manager it 
> refuses to make a profile with the same name to use the existing 
> profile. How can I reconnect to the existing profile?
> In past version that was possible and occasionally very helpful.

This is for a Windows XP (and possibly other Windows) installation.  Try
the following, but only after doing a complete backup of the user's
complete system.

Locate the file profiles.ini, which might be at <C:\Documents and
Settings\User\Application Data\Mozilla\SeaMonkey>.  Open profiles.ini in
an ASCII text editor.  You should see something such as



where "Profilex" is Profile with a numeric suffix (e.g., Profile0,
Profile1), "pname" is the name of the profile, and "ploc" is the path to
the profile.  The entries for "Profilex" are consecutively numbered from
zero.  (The "StartWithLastProfile=0" setting determines which profile is
used at startup, in this case Profile0.)

If an entry does not exist for the lost profile, edit the file to insert
such an entry with a unique "Profilex".  If the file itself does not
exist, create it with Profile0 pointing to the loast profile.  Note that
ploc (the path to the profile) does not require quotes even if there are
blanks in folder names.


David E. Ross

Anyone who thinks government owns a monopoly on inefficient, obstructive
bureaucracy has obviously never worked for a large corporation.
© 1997 by David E. Ross
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