Bill Davidsen wrote:

Yes, I have been having issues with the incoming line to the mail and
web servers for ten days. When it rains my speed drops and/or ceases. I
file a trouble ticket and Verizon checks the line next dry day, finds

Been playing that for ten days now, VZ doesn't check up the pole when it
rains for safety, tells me I can't get fiber because my phone lines are
underground. You can probably see it now, but it just shows the empty
rectangle where a CAPCHA would be. Sigh.

Funny they would say that, I have their fiber and guess what, it's buried underground. They installed it a couple of years ago, used the existing street conduit throughout the neighborhood but added new for each individual house they were connecting. If they won't upgrade you, it's not for technical reasons, they must think there's not enough profit to be had.

Your page displays fine today.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
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