So what are my options for deleting manually? Some of my accounts have no yahoo id, meaning there were created for access only by an email client. I suppose I could switch seamonkey to keep messages on the server for say 30 days. Would that delete everything older than 30 days the next time seamonkey checks for messages? I guess I could do something like that and then change it back to "until I delete them". It seems like a button that would delete everything on the server older than some data would be a nice addition, but I guess such things depend on how many folks thing that should be a priority.


Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
LMH wrote:

I presume that Yahoo will automatically clear messages if I am past my
allocated space,

No. As I understand Yahoo, it will just stop receiving *new* messages
(sending 'bounce' messages to the senders), and leave you with whatever
was there up to the limit. AFAIK, all mail servers that have limits of
storage would function this way.

So, you will have to delete the old messages manually.

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