On 16/10/2012 6:50 AM, Desiree wrote:
"Ant" <ant@zimage.comANT> wrote in message
On 10/14/2012 1:24 PM PT, Rufus typed:

Has anyone noticed that today? I am getting some HTML5 videos, and not
Flash in my Mozilla's SeaMonkey v2.13.1 web browsers (similiar to the
latest Firefox web browsers)! I need a HTML5 video blocker like
FlashBlock. Ugh! :(

I need a HTML5 video blocker like FlashBlock. Ugh! Does one even exist?

They started this some time ago, but it's a bit sporadic - some vids are
HTML5 and some are still Flash.  But they're phasing in
HTML5...presumably because of Flash-free devices like the iPad and other

Yeah, I just discovered a way get out of it. It looked Google/YouTube
added me into a trial: http://www.youtube.com/html5 ... I opted out and
all good for now. I am sure they will force this on all of us with HTML5
compatible web browsers soon. HTML5 videos don't seem ready and has issues
like I mentioned. :(
"Ants die in sugar." --Malawi
    /\___/\         Ant(Dude) @ http://antfarm.ma.cx (Personal Web Site)
   / /\ /\ \                Ant's Quality Foraged Links: http://aqfl.net
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      ( )         If e-mailing, then axe ANT from its address if needed.
Ant is currently not listening to any songs on this computer.

I am very glad that youtube is showing more and more videos in HTML5. It
works great on Sea Monkey and on Fx 10 ESR. In fact, HTML 5 is a life saver.
I had to completely remove Flash from plugin browsers. That horrible plugin
container on both Fx 10 and Sea Monkey was constantly wanting to start even
though the web page had NO flash on it! That plugin container is a bat out
of hell. I hate it and won't allow it to start unless I wish to play Flash
content, there is Flash content on the page, and there is no HTML5 ability
on the page. If a video can be played both in HTML5 and Flash, you cannot
have both Flash and HTML5 if you are using Fx or SM as Flash and HTML5 fight
each other at youtube.

Plus, the plugin container is a HORROR because I filter everything through
the Proxomitron (Sidki's latest filters from Dec 2011). This means NO ADS so
need for Plugin container to want to start for Flash ads. Plus, if I wish to
view Flash video on a page, Proxo gives me a toggle switch. If I toggle to
see the Flash movie, then and ONLY then should Plugin container start.

I block Plugin container and that created so many problems that I had to
uninstall Flash for plugin browsers but would like to use it on Opera.
However, Fx and SM will install it without my permission! That is
UNACCEPTABLE and means that I can't have Flash for Opera. So, I am very
happy to not need Flash at many sites now where HTML5 is used instead.

Have you ever used the "Adblock Plus" together with the "Flashblock" add-ons in Firefox, or do they not do the job?

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