On 11/11/2012 09:42 AM, Ron Hunter wrote:

On 11/11/2012 7:13 AM, The Wanderer wrote:

On 11/10/2012 08:59 PM, Ron Hunter wrote:

I hesitate to ask... how many windows do you keep open?  123 tabs is a

That depends on your standards.

On my work desktop, I have somewhere in the range of 150 to 200 (or
possibly slightly above), split among two windows and a variety of tab
groups; I've slimmed it down a few times, but there are reasons for all of
what's left.

On my laptop, I again have in the range from 150 to 200 (or possibly
slightly above), with a very different set of tabs, split among six
windows. I'm probably overdue to prune this again.

On my home desktop, I have somewhere in the range from 600 to 700 (possibly
more than that by now), split among six windows. About half of those are
"note to self" for something to transfer to a local database I keep of
"things to check for updates" (with datestamps so I don't bother rechecking
too soon), but doing such transfers is tedious, so I keep not getting to
it. Even so, I wouldn't expect to ever be able to get below 80-90 tabs on
this machine, just as basic day-to-day operation.

Those numbers are taken from the "restore crashed session" dialog, which
does provide a whole-browser tab count; I've long wanted a way to get such
a count without having to kill the browser, but I haven't found any way to
trigger one.

Maybe a few minutes cleaning house would help. Grin.

In my case, it would take hours. I've done bits and pieces of it from time
to time, on one machine or another, but there are usually better things to
do with my time.

I can't imagine what you use all those tabs for.  Seems like bookmarks would
be better, unless you have a slow connection.

Bookmarks don't store tab history, or form data, or current position in the
page, or (for dynamically-generated or frequently-updated pages) the exact
current page state. They also don't store the position of the tab relative to
the other nearby tabs (unless you bookmark those other tabs as part of the same
group), which is also important in at least a few cases.

As for what I use them for, most of them are indeed backlog, from projects et
cetera which are on hold until I have time to get back to them. One subcategory
of those I'm in the process of trying to pull out to a separate database, which
can store information I can't store in the tab state (and can present it for
reference much more easily), but for my workflow most of the others belong
exactly where they are - until I get to them, after which they belong nowhere.
(Or possibly in a bookmark, at that point.)

I seem to recall a mention of a memory listing that shows memory use by tab.
You might check about:memory to see what it says.

I'm aware of about:memory, and I've looked at it on my laptop, but it turns out
that it isn't available on my home desktop; it must have been added in FF4 or
later. (I haven't yet gotten BarTab and my "how to restore my preferred user
interface" documentation to the point where I'm willing to trust my main browser
to the upgrade, although at this point I think I'm close.)

For what it's worth, memory usage isn't really a problem for me, in that the
desktop in question has 24GB of RAM; at the moment, with Firefox up and at least
an estimated 600 of those tabs unloaded by BarTab, I'm at around 5.5GB of total
system memory usage. (According to top, 3GB of that is actually Thunderbird.)

      The Wanderer

Warning: Simply because I argue an issue does not mean I agree with any
side of it.

Every time you let somebody set a limit they start moving it.
  - LiveJournal user antonia_tiger
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