Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
mattjack66 wrote:

Hi,  I'm a fairly new seamonkey user, using it to build a website.  I',
finding that when I go to the html view it almost seems to wrap when
saving or changing view to the web preview.  So for example, I'll have a
load of text going across the html screen.  I change to view the website
and whn I change back to html, the text which was right across the
screen is now splt across two lines - it almost appears to wrap text
which is greater than half a page width.  Also there are great chunks of
space between some sectoins of html code.

Can anyone help resolve this?

I assume you are using the Composer. You will do much better if you stop
using that ancient, un-updated program and switch to something that at
least recognizes modern DOCTYPEs. The Composer was forked years ago, to
the following stand-alone version which is still actively being updated.
This may solve your problems. See BlueGriffon at:


BTW, wrapping of otherwise-unformatted text is a feature of HTML, as it
will wrap to the width of its parent container (which could be the size of
your browser window). We might be able to give more answers if you post
the URL of your page.

If your really serious about it and not just dabling to see if you can create one.
Adobe DreamWeaver

stay the heck way from anything put out by MS such as Front line. They tend to be geared toward working only with IE. MS still wants everyone to use IE only after all these years. They are still out to destroy if the can any other Browser on the Market.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.      "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
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