Jay Garcia wrote:
On 12.01.2013 20:41, Cruz, Jaime wrote:

  --- Original Message ---

I know how to move an entire mailbox from one computer to another (I've
done it enough times), but I need to layout a scenario here to see if
anyone else has come up with a solution.

I built a new computer for my Mom with Windows 7 (her previous computer
was XP).  After installing Seamonkey along with all of her plugins, I
copied the profile folder from her old computer into her new computer
(Win7 stores it in a different directory structure, but I found that
out).  Opened up Seamonkey and everything was there... all her old
E-Mails, cookies, saved passwords, history, etc. (as I said, I've done
this enough times).

Anyway, she accidentally deleted a bunch of E-Mail messages she wanted
to keep.  They weren't in her Trash folder (I checked).  They ARE all on
her old computer... but I can't just copy the "Mail" folder over because
that will wipe out any NEW messages she's received since she's started
using the new computer.

Is there any way to export only those particular E-Mails from the old
computer and then import them into the new computer without wiping out
the newer messages she has?  I can't seem to find anything in the online
help system.

Thanks in advance.

Rename the old mailbox "mailbox.old" such as INBOX => INBOX.OLD and then
move that file over to the new location. When SM is started, INBOX.OLD
will be in the list of mailboxes. Simple matter now to copy/move the old
messages to the new mailbox.

Cool!  Thanks, I didn't know about that trick.  I'll give it a try.

Jaime A. Cruz
Nassau Wings Motorcycle Club

AMA District 34
Pop's Run
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