We use Seamonkey (2.14.1 for now) at work and I manage it using
locked preferences, a loginscript that creates a user.js, etc.

We used to have Java installed on all computers, but now I have
deleted it on most computers and only installed it in a few places
where it is really required.

Now, when visiting a website that uses Java on a computer where it
is no longer installed, Seamonkey shows the "missing plugins" bar with
a button to install the missing plugin.

Clicking that button, it offers to install Java 7u10.  When
"Next" is clicked on this screen, it immediately shows a dialog
informing that this has failed, and a "manual install" button that
directs the user to the Java site where the plugin can be downloaded.

It is OK that it fails to install the plugin, this probably
happens because I locked the preference "xpinstall.enabled" to false.
(or because it finds that it cannot write into system directories?)

However, I would like it to act sooner.  Is it possible to somehow
block the button to install the missing plugin or to have it pop
up a screen informing that plugin installation is disabled, instead
of offering to install Java?

We don't want the users to wander off into sites that offer downloads
and waste their time on trying that (which will fail anyway).

I am looking for a solution that can be scripted.  Solutions like
"open the Add-Ons manager and click this and that" are not useful
for me.
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