Cruz, Jaime schrieb:
> Am I copying over the entire Mail folder?  I see several files in that 
> directory beginning with "inbox:"
> inbox.sbd (a directory)
> Inbox.
> Inbox.msf

If all you are interested in is the (old) Inbox, but not in subfolders,
just copy the file "Inbox". Inbox.sbd contains the subfolders.

If you also need the subfolders, copy "Inbox" on the old computer to
"Inbox_old" on the new one and "Inbox.sbd" to "Ibox_old.sbd". Hope you
get the idea.

Inbox.msf is an Index of "Inbox" (etc), recreated on demand.

HTH, Wolfgang Steger

Do you know about being with somebody?  Wanting to be?  If I had the
whole universe, I'd give it to you, Janice.  When I see you, I feel
like I'm hungry all over.  Do you know how that feels?
                -- Charlie Evans, "Charlie X", stardate 1535.8
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