NoOp wrote:
On 01/17/2013 01:45 PM, HenriK wrote:
On both my and my wife's PCs, we have used SeaMonkey since it first
became available.  On my wife's PC, running XP-Home, fully updated,
SeaMonkey 2.15 automatically installed itself a day or so ago.  The
latest Java update also installed itself the same day.

When the machine was booted this morning, the e-mail menu and icons that
used to come up were missing and SeaMonkey called for a new e-mail
account to be set up.  Other than the missing e-mail menus, everything
else in SeaMonkey seems to be working properly.  This situation reminds
me of a previous SeaMonkey upgrade where the bookmarks files went missing.

As I go back to the MS-DOS days, I looked at the hard drive file
structure and it looks like both the e-mail and bookmarks files are, in
fact, still sitting on the hard drive in their proper positions.

1)  Can someone explain to me in simple language what may have gone wrong?

2)  Can some kind soul tell me in a step-by-step 'fix it for dummies'
style how to get the e-mail working again?

Check your C:\Documents and Settings\gg\Application
Data\Mozilla\SeaMonkey profiles.ini file. That file tells SM which
profile to use on startup. Example:



Within the
C:\Documents and Settings\x\Application
is the prefs.js file. That file tells SM where your email/news/etc files
are located. Check to see if you have a backup of that file. If not, you
can edit with Wordpad or similar to point to xyz.default.

The alternative is to create a new profile, then in
Edit|Mail and News...|emailaccount|Server Settings|Local directory:
and point that to:

C:\Documents and Settings\x\Application
Data\Mozilla\SeaMonkey\Profiles\xyz.default\Mail\ (if pop account)

Do the same for News etc.

This is the same as if you were to move the files to a different system
& need to use the same mail folders etc. You can do a mass find &
replace in prefs.js to point to the new location/profile.

3)  Ditto for restoring the bookmarks files.

Thanks to Rob in my 'SM 2.15 (linux) bookmarks missing' thread:

"Just remove places.sqlite* and it will be imported from your last
backup or from whatever source you manually import it."

Thanks, in advance, for any and all assistance.

Good luck.

Thank you so much for the guidance, particularly with regard to the prefs.js file. I didn't know what the file did. I found a copy of prefs.js on a tape back-up from six months ago, copied it, and plugged it in. Suddenly, my wife's e-mail files all returned to normal.

You appear to think I know more than I actually do. While I know how to manually copy files from particular directories (folders) and sub-directories (sub-folders) and paste them where I want to put them (from my MS-DOS days), I have never really understood how Windows works. I didn't understand your instructions for retrieving the bookmarks files. Do I just copy places.sqlite from an old back up and paste it into the profile, overwriting whatever file with the same name is there? I really do need guidance is a rather elementary form. Thanks, in advance, for any additional assistance.
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