On 01/26/2013 07:30 PM, user@domain.invalid wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>>> 3)  Ditto for restoring the bookmarks files.
>> Thanks to Rob in my 'SM 2.15 (linux) bookmarks missing' thread:
>> "Just remove places.sqlite* and it will be imported from your last
>> backup or from whatever source you manually import it."
>>> Thanks, in advance, for any and all assistance.
>> Good luck.
> Thank you so much for the guidance, particularly with regard to the 
> prefs.js file.  I didn't know what the file did.  I found a copy of 
> prefs.js on a tape back-up from six months ago, copied it, and plugged 
> it in.  Suddenly, my wife's e-mail files all returned to normal.
> You appear to think I know more than I actually do.  While I know how to 
> manually copy files from particular directories (folders) and 
> sub-directories (sub-folders) and paste them where I want to put them 
> (from my MS-DOS days), I have never really understood how Windows works. 

: I've forgotten as well... I use linux. :-0

>   I didn't understand your instructions for retrieving the bookmarks 
> files.  Do I just copy places.sqlite from an old back up and paste it 
> into the profile, overwriting whatever file with the same name is there? 

Do (partially) as Paul said; close SeaMonkey, rename the places.sqlite
(places.sqlite_old will do). Restart SeaMonkey. SeaMonkey should then
(thanks again Rob) restore the bookmarks from the last daily backup. If
that doesn't work, then post back.

>   I really do need guidance is a rather elementary form.  Thanks, in 
> advance, for any additional assistance.

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