sean nathan wrote:
WaltS wrote, On 02/15/2013 08:20 AM:
sean nathan wrote:
Philip TAYLOR wrote, On 02/09/2013 03:44 AM:
Trying to come to terms with the fact that I may one day
have to replace my beloved twin 19" CRT monitors with
2 x flat-screen (LCD/LED/whatever) versions of the same,
and knowing that few if any make the latter with a native
resolution of 1152 x 864 (my preferred resolution when
using Windows 7 "Normal" (="Small") fonts, I have just
reset my screen resolution to 1280 x 1024 and increased
the font size to medium.


(1) The font size in the "Compose" window is tiny
(I can barely see to type this), and Ctrl + does not
increase it.

(2) In the e-mail 3-window view, all of the items, whilst
in a legibly large font, are vertically cramped.

How may I rectify these issues, please ?

Philip Taylor

    ctrl + works for me in my linux version of seamonkey 64 bit using the
modern theme.... but i'd sure appreciate knowing where to make a larger
size font permanent in 2.15.2


Well, selecting Help from the menu bar or pressing F1, navigating to the
Customizing SeaMonkey heading, then selecting Appearance Preferences -
Fonts is a place to start.

yes... i've always known about edit preferences > appearance > font...

the problem is it no longer works, and hasn't been a universal fix for
quite some time... Font preferences stick for the initial display, but
once one hits reply and starts typing a response to any message, the
teensie weensie tiny fonts reappear in the compose box... i don't
recollect this being an issue in 1.xx.xx versions...

I don't recollect 1.xx.xx versions, or the last version I actually used.

However, setting the Monospace Font Size larger made the fonts larger in the compose window for this reply. The setting stayed when I Quit SeaMonkey, and opened it again.

Disclaimer: I'm not using Windows 7, so your results may be different.


Fedora 18.0 (64-bit) KDE 4.9.5
SeaMonkey Release 2.15.2
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