On 2013-04-03 10:34 PM, Iceman wrote:
Like I said, I can't use 2.17. I dl'ed it and it wouldn't run.

I then got 1.1.19, which did work. However, it's a 3-year-old release and
may have problems with security. Also, a page I tried came out rather
poorly (too much javascript?) Still, it was worth trying out.

Copied from my post in a previous thread just one week ago. <http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.support.seamonkey/browse_frm/thread/279ff27b7b5034fe>:

Starting with SeaMonkey 2.14, Mac OS X 10.6 is the minimum requirement. If you can upgrade your OS, that's the way to go. 10.5 is no longer supported by Apple and poses a significant security risk.

If you can't upgrade your OS, SeaMonkey 2.13.2 is the latest version to work with Leopard. SeaMonkey releases since then also contain seciruty fixes. You can see a list at <http://www.mozilla.org/security/known-vulnerabilities/seamonkey.html>

To get SeaMonkey 2.13.2, go to

Remember that you can search this newsgroup for past questions that are the same as yours. ;)

Chris Ilias <http://ilias.ca>
Mailing list/Newsgroup moderator
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