flyguy wrote:
Lately, my wife and I have received emails with eight characters that
appear in the place of an apostrophe, nine in place of a quote mark.
Here's a cut and paste, which I hope gets through:

For single apostrophe I get ’t
For quote I get –

It doesn't seem to matter if I use Original HTML, Simple HTML, or
Plain Text to view them. Changing the Encoding to UTF does reduce the
number of odd characters; changing to IBM 850 changes the characters
that appear. We're using SM 2.16.2, Win XP, Western ISO-889-1 encoding.

Why are we getting these odd characters now, and how do we get our
apostrophes and quote marks back?

You don't say from whom you and your wife are receiving these emails. Is it the same person or from the same system? Does it happen if you send an email to yourself? If you turn on full headers (view-headers-all) what is the "Content Type" line of the bad emails?

Generally what you describe happens because someone composes in Microsoft Word using "smart quotes and apostrophes" and then pastes that content into an email. It can also happen with database data that is exported using one character encoding and imported using a different one. I suppose it could also happen if content is created using a character encoding that isn't available on the receiving system. In any case more information is needed to speculate further.


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