Interviewed by CNN on 30/04/2013 05:48, Ant told the world:

> You know what's weird? I never have crashes in 64-bit W7 SP1, but do in 
> XP Pro. SP3. :(

Not that weird. XP is in terminal life-support as it is, with the plug
scheduled to be pulled April 2014. Microsoft simply does not bother to
fix anything that is not a security issue or a really big showstopper
nowadays. And in one year's time, not even that.

If the new edition of the Flash plugin touches something in Windows that
is revealed to be not as robust as it should be... well, tough luck for
XP users. From Steve Ballmer's POV, they should be forking money to buy
Windows 8 anyway, so anything that makes XP more annoying to use is not
really a problem for him.

There's this meme going around that XP is somehow "perfect as it is."
Sorry to say, but it's simply not true. XP has numerous issues, some of
them entrenched very deep in its basic architecture. I'm working on
phasing it out from my customers, and good riddance -- every time I
upgrade a machine from XP to Win7 (in the same hardware, mind you)
support issues go down. If a machine is not good enough to run Win7, it
is too old to keep in service anyway. (My rule of the thumb is "1 Gb
RAM, dual-core CPU and 80 Gb HD" -- but I have obtained surprisingly
good results even with half those specs)


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