Robert Kaiser wrote:

> Philip TAYLOR schrieb:
>> A new release of an application on
>> which I rely is terminally broken when used with medium-sized
>> fonts (125%) as opposed to the default of small (100%).
> No, from all I know, it's now actually respecting that 125% setting
> while before it wrongly ignored this setting completely. So, from that
> POV, a bug has been actually fixed.

And yet, the browser becomes completely unusable when 125% fonts
are selected.  Web pages appear two steps zoomed, and if one
applies the recommended fix to About:Config::layout.css.devPixelsPerPx
-> +1 (default : -1), the system/Chrome fonts then appear unreadably small.

I am sure you would agree that it is extremely unlikely that
Internet Explorer does not also respect "font-size: medium",
yet it and Seamonkey 2.17.1 render the same page almost
identically while IE and Seamonkey 2.19 render it completely
differently (the latter being two zoom steps larger, as
stated above).

Philip Taylofr

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