On Monday, July 23, 2012 8:38:52 AM UTC-4, Daniel wrote:
> Laura or Brian wrote:
> > Anyone? I have Seamonkey 2.11 and all the emails in my inbox just
> > suddenly disappeared. I know they must still exist on my system and
> > there must be a way to rebuild the file, but I don't know how. I went
> > into Edit and File Properties and tried the repair from there, but it
> > didn't work. Thanks again,
> >
> > Laura
> Laura, haven't you already asked this and gotten a reply??  If so, 
> please respond in that thread, so that those offering the advice will 
> know what has already been asked, tested and, possibly, failed.
> Having typed that, however, something else you could try is to have a 
> look at Tools->Switch Profiles. How many profiles are listed?? If more 
> than one, check the others to see if they contain your missing e-mails.
> If that doesn't help, have a look at Edit->Mail & Newsgroup Account 
> Settings and select "Server Settings" on your e-mail account. At the 
> bottom of that screen there is "Local Directory". Note this location. 
> Now completely close SeaMonkey, including the Windows Quick Start link.
> Set Windows up to show hidden Files and folders then do a Windows "Find 
> Files and Folders", looking for "inbox" (without the quotes). You should 
> find at least two, your current inbox and its index file inbox.msf, and 
> they will be in the location you noted previously.
> Note the locations of any other "inbox"'s. If they are possible your 
> missing inbox, re-name them as inbox_2, etc, and move them into the 
> profile location noted above. Now, re-start SeaMonkey and check out the 
> now renamed files in you mail folder.
> -- 
> Daniel

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