Rob wrote:
I want to setup mail message filters based on body text.
It is an IMAP mail account.

I'm sorry but it appears an old joke applies, "You can't get there from here."
The problem is the body your mail is not on your machine.

Quoting of the "Help" text about IMAP mail:
<begin quotation>
About Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)

Advantages: Your messages and any changes to them stay on
your server, saving local disk space. Also, you always have access to an updated mailbox, and you can get your mail from multiple locations. Performance on a modem is faster, since you initially download message
  headers only.
<end quotation>

As I see it you basically have two choices - both requiring disk space on your computer
1. Switch your mail accounts from IMAP to POP
2. Copy selected emails to a folder under "Local Folders"

When creating/editing filters, I only get offered header fields to
filter on.  When selecting those, the filtering works OK.  However,
there is no header that I can use for my particular filtering need.

After searching, I read a technical article that says I need to
add a custom header named "Body" and it will be used to filter on
body text.  It does not appear to work.

What article?
I do not have access to an IMAP server (and never have had) but I don't see any way of solving your problem except as outlined above.

Is the name "Body" translated in localized versions of Seamonkey?
(the predefined headers appear to be translated in the selection list)

If so, how can I find what translation is being used for "Body"?

Is filtering on body text actually working for IMAP mail accounts
in current Seamonkey versions?

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