Louis Toscano wrote:

Seamonkey Support Newsgroup

I just want to make sure the problem is not on my end.  One of my
recipients, a .org, for months has not been able to receive my
emails. I suspect the problem is the server at her end.  Could
something at my end block her email, like an antivirus or firewall
(mine is Panda).

The fact that it's only one recipient suggests that the problem is on the receiving end.

Not sure why you're asking the last question -- shouldn't you be asking if HER antivirus or firewall is blocking YOUR messages? Anyway, if your own firewall is blocking your outgoing mail, that should appear in its log, or it should pop up a message to notify you. Same if your own ISP is blocking it.

Some ISPs rely on (forgive the expression) $#!+lists of spammers and such and block all mail from them. So if you inadvertently get on the $#!+list used by her ISP, you won't be able to get through. But in that case, you should get a bounce message including instructions for how to get off the $#!+list. They do tend to be too inclusive, and the operators know it.

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