Hartmut Figge wrote:
Louis Toscano:
Hartmut Figge wrote:

You could send yourself a PM. Or me. :)

That might be a good suggestion; but I have no program that sends
private messages.  Since I never used that feature, I don't see why I
should download and enable such a program.

In German newsgroups PM is a common abbreviation for sending a mail to
someone. This someone could be oneself.

If you send a mail to yourself with SM, you can test, if it handles the
task correctly. You can look in the headers of the message source what
has happened.

Sending a mail to someone else can test, if the own ISP blocks mails
destined for outside receivers. If that test succeeds and a special
receiver does not receive a mail, it may well be, that the ISP of that
special receiver has blocked the mail. Or a filter of that receiver.

Seems, that PM has another meaning in this newsgroup. Well, it is not
the first time, that i meant to write something and in reality it meant
something else entirely. *g*

I understood it as "private message," as opposed to a posting to the list. Louis seems to understand it as IM ("instant message"), which as you know is not even an email so it's not a valid test of email features.

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Paul B. Gallagher

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