On 6/17/13 9:57 AM, Justin Wood (Callek) wrote:
> Justin Wood (Callek) wrote:
>> David E. Ross wrote:
>>> Would it be possible to post a message at least weekly in
>>> mozilla.support.seamonkey regarding the current status of efforts to
>>> resume development of SeaMonkey versions?  It is been over a week since
>>> I have seen anything about your hardware failure.
>>> Followup-to set to mozilla.support.seamonkey.
>> Ok, not much status to share but I don't want to keep you guys in the dark.
>> * I'm still working on this.
>> * Timing of the machine issue came at one of the worst possible times
>> overall
>> ** Our helper-release-engineer is in charge of a massive office colo
>> move for his paid-job and can't really devote any time this/last week week.
>> ** I was traveling for work last week
>> ** I was sick for a few days the week before
>> ** I had a close family member pass away today, and was on her way the
>> past few days.
>> * We have to juggle all this fixup time for our *free* time since we all
>> have day jobs.
>> It pains us to have this type of delay in getting any new version (beta
>> or otherwise) out to you, but I will send more information along when we
>> have things to share about progress.
> -DONE:
> * the buildbot master has been imaged with the base os.
> * We have gotten puppet working
> -TODO:
> * We have to bring up the buildbot master and set it up properly
>   <-----If we cut a few corners...
>   <-----at this point we can start spinning beta(s)/Releases
> * We have to bring up clobberer (which the machines use to know when a
> clobber is needed
> * We have to tell our buildapi to report to the clobberer server so that
> tbpl can report builds
> After the last part is done I can reopen the trees, and I expect to be
> building a beta as of tomorrow.
> At this point the planned release date is AT RISK. Which means depending
> on how smooth this beta goes, and how many users grab it and start
> testing, as well as what, if any, reports of problems we get, we may
> slip past the release date of the 24'th.
> We however can be sure to not entirely skip this release, and will do a
> release based on this train even if its late.
> Thank You,

No, don't htank us.  Thank you.

David E. Ross

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