Mike C wrote:
> When I try to open SM I get: SeaMonkey is already running, but is
> not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the
> existing SeaMonkey process, or restart your system.
> BUT, It's NOT running! This even happens in safe mode. And with a
> fresh re-boot.
> Anyone know the answer?

>From another thread, responding to this same problem:
> It may be that SeaMonkey didn't shut down properly on some
> occasion. If that happens, a file called 'parent.lock' is created,
> which prevents another instance of SeaMonkey from running.
> With SeaMonkey closed, locate the SeaMonkey 1.x profile, you should
> find it here:
> C:\Documents & Settings\<Your Windows User Name>\Application
> Data\Mozilla\Profiles\default\xxxxxxxx.slt
> Where 'xxxxxxxx' is a random eight-character string.
> The file 'parent.lock', if present, should be in the folder
> 'xxxxxxxx.slt', if it is delete it. You should then find that you
> will no longer get the message that SeaMonkey is still running and
> you should be able to run SeaMonkey 2.7. Note that SeaMonkey 2.8 is
> now available, so I would suggest installing that, rather than
> v2.7.
> I hope that helps.
> Regards,
> Dave.

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