Arnie Goetchius <arnie.goetchius@invalid.domain> wrote:
> Periodically I receive emails from trusted sources where SM warns that
> this email "might be a scam". Clicking on "Not a Scam" makes the message
> go away. However, SM does not learn and keeps giving the same warning
> for the same trusted source. The quick fix is to completely disable this
> feature by going about:config and change mail.phishing.detection.enabled
> to False.
> It would be helpful if SM could learn when an email is checked as "Not a
> Scam", that the result of that action would disable any future notices
> that an email from the same source "might be a scam".

Seamonkey has no way of reliably determining the source of a mail, so
it does not use that information as part of determination if a mail
is a scam.
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