Desiree wrote:

(almost 100 lines of recycled dross)

> ... I will not run SeaMonkey on any computer if I cannot keep those
> stupid plugins from running all the time ... I don't have to fight
> with those stupid plugins.  ... I better not have a problem when Fx
> upgrades in January to ver 24 with those plugins or I'll either not
> upgrade or I'll revert to ver 17... I would NEVER RUN FLASH on a
> Mozilla browser that requires those stupid plugins ... What in the
> world was Mozilla thinking of when they decided to use those stupid
> plugins container ... I have always detested Flash from 1999 on.
> ...Flash is horrible for speed testing ( ...  Opera... doesn't have
> those silly Flash plugins ... there is no stupid plugins running
> all the time. Only Fx and now SeaMonkey make a complete mess of
> Flash.

Desiree, do you have a non-rant mode of posting ?  If you do,
I suspect I would not be the only person who would appreciate
it if you used it more frequently.

Philip Taylor

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