"WaltS" <thalion...@evomeraim.com> wrote in message 
> On 10/06/2013 09:20 AM, Desiree wrote:
>> "WaltS" <thalion...@evomeraim.com> wrote in message
>> news:vpgdnx0gbpxxi83pnz2dnuvz_qqdn...@mozilla.org...
>>> On 10/03/2013 07:57 AM, Desiree wrote:
>>>> On XP Pro, that stupid Flash plugin container tried to start as Sea
>>>> Monkey
>>>> 2.21 was starting! It should not start unless I decide to start Flash
>>>> Player
>>>> which is controlled by a toggle switch and can't start until I give
>>>> permission. Plus, none of the tabs that were loading have any Flash
>>>> Player
>>>> video on them and the Proxomitron blocks all ads that might use Flash.
>>>> So,
>>>> I told Process Guard to deny Flash Plugin container from running. I've
>>>> never
>>>> had a problem doing that in the past but I guess 2.21 won't allow one 
>>>> to
>>>> control Flash Player as when I did that Sea Monkey froze and then
>>>> crashed.
>>>> I tried starting it in Safe Mode and same thing, it is not allowed to
>>>> load
>>>> Flash Plugin container so it freezes and crashes.  I thought Safe Mode
>>>> disabled plugins? Evidently not...so what is the purpose of Safe Mode?
>>>> I updated Flash Player recently and for some stupid reason that 
>>>> activates
>>>> it
>>>> on Fx and SeaMonkey disregarding my plugin settings where I had it
>>>> disabled.
>>>> If I disable it then SeaMonkey should not crash because Flash plugin
>>>> container two processes won't try to load.  So, if I can start 
>>>> SeaMonkey
>>>> offline would that work so I could disable Flash plugin?
>>>> (The real problem is that no browser should automatically grab a 
>>>> plugin.
>>>> I
>>>> remember when they did not and they still should not do that).
>>> On openSUSE 12.3 Linux opening SeaMonkey to the default home page
>>> <http://www.seamonkey-project.org/start/> does not start the plugin
>>> container.
>>> Setting "plugins.click_to_play" to true and setting all plugins to "Ask 
>>> to
>>> Activate", did not start the plugin container when I went to
>>> <http://www.cbsnews.com/video/>.
>>> Clicking "Activate Adobe Flash" in the blank video window did start the
>>> plugin container.
>>> You do still have control.
>> That's nice to hear and it doesn't surprise me. The problem for me with
>> using Linux is that I can't use the Proxomitron unless I try through 
>> WINE.
>> It's my most important application and I won't give it up.
> My procedure should work the same with Windows.

I paused my router (couldn't do that with the Linksy router I used for 
almost 9 years but this one I can) and started SeaMonkey offline so the 
plugin container didn't try to load.  I was right that the recent Flash 
update had turned Flash back on to "automatic" in SeaMonkey plugins. 
Updating Flash should not change my settings for it in Tools/Addons 
Manager/Plugins.  I set Flash back to "Ask" closed SeaMonkey, unpaused the 
router and restarted SeaMonkey.  Plugin container did not try to load so 
SeaMonkey didn't crash. After the tabs loaded, I tested by going to your CBS 
link and just got a blank screen where the video should be.

So, SeaMonkey is fine now and I will keep Flash disabled on it. However, 
this same problem will happen again with the next Flash update. I download 
Flash update to disk anyway but I will have to remember before installing a 
Flash update to pause the router, install offline, then start SeaMonkey 
offline and reset the plugin to "Ask" before reconnecting to the internet 
and starting SeaMonkey again.
> I don't know about a ten year old dead application Proxomitron. Wonder how 
> many security holes it has?

Dead?  I run JJoe's update of Sidki's filters. The update was offered to us 
on Dec 22, 20011 in Sidki's official forum at TUOPF.  I 'm hoping we get 
another Christmas present this Christmas with an update as I have a very 
strange problem with Proxo on Windows 8 Pro having to do with it throttling 
download speed so I keep it off Opera and use Opera for large downloads.

> [quote]
> Many current browsers do contain features similar to those provided by 
> Proxomitron filters – blocking advertisements and pop-ups, for example. 
> Other browser features or add-ons, such as Greasemonkey for Firefox and 
> user stylesheets/scripts for Opera, also allow for local modification of 
> web pages.
> [/quote] 

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