On 11/22/2013 9:36 PM, Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
> Ray Davison wrote:
>> There is a news site - theblaze.com - that has long been slow and jerky
>> probably because of all the video.  But now it is spontaneously
>> reloading the home page as well as the linked pages every few seconds.
> It reloads via JavaScript, every 5 seconds.
> <script type="text/javascript">       jQuery(function($) {            
> $.blazereFresher({"threadhtime":0.5,"reloadtime":5}); });</script>
> The page has over 583 Kilobytes of JavaScript, a lot of it from Google's 
> jQuery crap, plus many trackers.
> One of the worst sites I've looked at in quite a while.

It does not require JavaScript to force reloads.  A simple META tag in
the Web page's header will do the same.

I often visit a different news site that had some really annoying
JavaScripts.  I already had the PrefBar exention installed and had added
a checkbox to enable and disable JavaScript.  I would disable it (clear
the checkox) when viewing that news site, but the home page from which I
started would then redirect to another page.  So I added a checkbox to
PrefBar to warn me and ask for permission when a Web page redirected to
another page.  I would disable JavaScript and enable redirect warnings
as soon as the news home page loaded; JavaScript was required in order
to load it but not to open tabs on individual news items.

Fortunately, the site was revised.  I no longer have to diddle
JavaScript and redirects.  This is good because sometimes I would forget
to undiddle them when leaving the site.

David E. Ross

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