EE wrote:
Jens Hatlak wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Certainly some of the most annoying ones - like the short drop downs,
path following, the problems with the Profile Manager - are SM specific
interface issues, right? Why do bugs like these persist so long?

Hey, actual examples! So, for the fun of it, let's check...

* Short drop downs. IIRC, this is a Mac-specific issue. Most SM
developers don't have a Mac, and at least some, like me, don't want one
(which is their personal taste, not to argue with). IIRC, there are only
two SM developers who have a Mac at all, and both are known for having
very little time. They do what they can, but analyzing the root causes
of such bugs probably doesn't fit their time schedule. All you can do is
a) analyze the bug as good as you can (e.g. by collecting all
occurrences, making screen shots and attaching them to the bug) and b)
try to narrow down when the issue first appeared, ideally down to the
nightly builds level, so that identifying the causing change in code
becomes possible.

* Path following. Sorry, don't know what you mean.

* Profile Manager. Don't know either, but AFAIK the Profile Manager code
lives in shared code governed by Mozilla platform developers. Making
changes their might be harder compared to SM-only code.

I'm not saying that a committed developer couldn't achieve something
there. It's just much easier to fix well-known and -understood issues or
implement new features where you have a clear understanding on what
needs to be done technically and what needs to be kept in mind during

Beyond that, it cannot be repeated often enough, SM developers are doing
everything they do in their free time, in addition to their day jobs. So
as has already been said, money is not really a driving factor there.
Knowledge in the field and time are.



If by short drop downs you mean that the menu disappears instantly....

no that's not what they are talking about

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