Jim Taylor wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Jens Hatlak wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Hartmut Figge wrote:
I do not have a xul.mfasl in my default profile, because
nglayout.debug.disable_xul_cache is set to true there. You may check
your setting for this pref.

No such pref in my about:config (Win7 Pro SP1 64-bit system), nothing
even close.

That's because it's a hidden pref, i.e. it's only visible if you
manually add it.

Fine, I added it, set it to true. So?

About:config still has one-and-a-half-line spacing.

Data Manager still has one-and-a-half-line spacing.

I don't see what I've gained here. Does it require a restart?

Jens, above, Hartmut tells Paul to set a pref to true, Paul says there
is no such pref and the you say it's a hidden pref.

Paul then adds the pref and sets it to true.

Not wanting to get picky-picky (because of the work you do for us SM
users) but reading between the lines here, does this imply that hidden
prefs don't (necessarily) do anything, or did you just mis-type
"hidden" rather than "absent"??

He didn't mistype, he used hidden preference because that's what it's
called (a preference that is not visible by default).  An absent
preference would be one that didn't exist, either hidden or otherwise.
  Don't try to read between the lines.....  A preference must be
implemented to do something.  As SeaMonkey inherits code from Firefox
there are some preferences that are defined (and may be used in Firefox)
that are not implemented or used in SeaMonkey.  Any preference (both
hidden and visible) may not necessarily do anything if it has not been
implemented or if it doesn't apply to the users system.  So in that
respect there is no difference between hidden and visible other than one
is listed in about:config and the other is not until it is added to the
list manually.


Thanks for this, Jim. So it would seem that, sometimes, when I add a pref, I am, indeed, adding it, whilst on other occasions when I add a pref, I am, indeed, just making it visible!


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