On 11/27/2013 05:58 AM, Pololo wrote:
> On 27/11/13 08:33, Ed Mullen wrote:
>> What theme do you use?  Default? Modern?  Or some add-on?
> GNOMErunner/GTK Revived on Xubuntu 12.04LTS 32-bits

I like that theme. Unfortunately I ran into this issue:

I've noticed since SM 2.20 that a small white box was appearing in the
top-left of my screen and staying there, on top of everything else. I
didn't think it was anything to do with SeaMonkey until one day I tried
to track it down and after closing all programs, I checked the Task
Manager and noticed that SM was still running. When I killed it, the
white box disappeared.

I've tracked it down to the new mail notification box. I no longer get
the little box in the bottom-right of the screen nor do I get a tray
notification icon.

At first I thought it was libnotify/libindicatior/etc or some other
system issue, but after removing the theme and restarting with the
default SeaMonkey theme, everything is back to normal.
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