»Q« wrote:
Philip Taylor <p.tay...@rhul.ac.uk> wrote:

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

BTW, why would you set followup to "/dev/null"? Yet another way of
gumming up the works? Why are you even here if you are so opposed
to what we do?

Because not only is this current digression completely unrelated
to the focus of this list (i.e., Seamonkey), it is also completely
unrelated to anything Mozilla-specific at all.  Since I give my
e-mail in clear in every message, you are perfectly at liberty
to continue the debate off-list if you so wish, as per the guidance
from the list moderator

When Followup-To is set, it would be better to make a note of it in
the body of the message, since many people don't routinely look at those

Setting "Followup-To: mozilla.general" is one way to continue a
discussion in public.  Setting "Followup-To: poster" is a way to
redirect the discussion to non-list e-mail.  IMO, setting it to the
bitbucket, /dev/null, is not a good idea, mostly because it's almost
guaranteed to draw negative reactions.

Just checked ... on my MandrivaLinux 2009.0 install, I don't have a /dev/null, so any wonder my previous response hadn't gone anywhere after 90 mins!!

On the topic that launched this subthread, if someone receives help
via off-list e-mail, IMO the best thing to do is to come back to the
group/list and summarize;  there's no need to post the e-mails verbatim
or to mention the name(s) of the sender(s).

It's often been suggested here-abouts, before, that there are a lot of lurkers that read here to get answers to their (un-posted)) problems. Makes it real hard if the solutions are not getting posted here!


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