Trane Francks wrote:
On 12/20/13 3:31 PM +0900, Rufus wrote:
Trane Francks wrote:
On 12/20/13 11:23 AM +0900, Geoff Welsh wrote:
Trane Francks wrote:
On 12/20/13 4:17 AM +0900, Rufus wrote:
Trane Francks wrote:
On 12/19/13 2:40 AM +0900, EE wrote:
PhillipJones wrote:
Daniel wrote:
PhillipJones wrote: wrote:
The new SeaMonkey version is totally not compatible in
with the new Mavericks OS from MacIntosh (Apple) All the pages
different and most of the page graphics are gone presenting
a 50%
blank page. Log-in buttons no longer show up for Amazon or
Ebay and
Images under Google search are not accessible as no search
shows up? A lot of graphics in emails that were previously
(Such as a COSTCO AD) are now blank and can only be seen if
you hit
the forward setting for the email. All this dysfunction makes
Seamonkey not usable at this time so I am moving over to
still works with Mavericks. Hopefully, the next version will be
Mavericks Compatible?

I'm using SeaMonkey 2.23 on Mavericks

This is what mine looks like:

Phillip, clicking your link basically gets me a blank'ish page!

That's odd I clicked on it and worked fine and its supposed to
be a
Public link.

What I really notice is that most of the text in the interface
is in
italics. Is that deliberate, or are the fonts not working properly?

It sure served up a great reminder of how elegant the Default
theme is
compared to Modern on OS X. LOL

I can't stand the Defaut looks jumbled, muddle, and
to me. I don't need or want to see all those disjointed colors.

SM Mondern Theme forever on my installs - Mac OS and/or Win7!

You're certainly not describing the Default theme on OS X. The Default
theme on OS X has the classical Mac app look since SM 2.0. From the
release notes: "The default theme on Mac OS X was completely
renewed to
better fit with the look of Leopard and Snow Leopard."

It's beautiful.

you need to make a collage of screen shots or something.  I run Modern
on OSX 10.4, Modern on OSX 10.5, and Modern on OSX 10.6 and they all
look exactly the same, and they all "fit".


I'm not talking about running Modern. I used to run Modern on Linux and
liked it, but when SM 2.0 was released and I saw the revised Default
theme for OS X, I switched. It looks like a proper Mac app now, whereas
the Modern theme (to my eye) looks like something you'd find elsewhere.

Different strokes, but I prefer the clean, uncluttered look of Default.

Default for SM on OS X:


Can't stand that one...looks PlaySkool.  And cluttered visually, with
all the colors...I'll stick with SM Modern.

Interesting. For me, the coloured buttons don't even strike me as
colours. For me, the predominant colour is "aluminum", matching the rest
of the OS X interface. And the coloured buttons are as colourful as the
Finder icons in Snow Leopard.

I find they really stick out and are far too bright *because* of the predominant aluminum backdrop. If you look at Safari it's more monotone...*and* the buttons are smaller, which I wouldn't mind them being a bit bigger, but the overall effect is less "intrusive"...wish I could come up with a better word..."overpowering"? I find the color in the buttons a bit like having a light shined in my eyes.

I've run into a similar problem after being switched to Win7 at work and having MS Outlook "upgraded"...the silver and/or blue presentation themes are too bright and I have to use black to make Outlook somewhat more readable...but even that isn't really optimum for me or many other users...must be getting old or something...

I'm on Lion and find the lack of colour troubling. You might find
computing nirvana with the drab grey of Lion and the monotone of Modern. :)

I have multiple machines and use both Lion and SnoLep, and I don't mind the Finder icons being colored in the SnoLep Sidebar but I do like/prefer the monochrome user buttons I keep at the top of my Finder windows.

But I do miss those color Sidebar icons with 10.7 mainly because they have/had a direct association with something/someplace on my hard drive - that's of far more eidetic use than doing that with nav buttons that have no such association...that just becomes eye clutter, for me.

Cheers and thanks for a good conversation. :)



     - Rufus
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