On 22/12/13 11:37, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
BIll Spikowski wrote:
Dick Hoffman wrote:
On 12/21/2013 12:19 AM, regz91 wrote:
Dick Hoffman wrote:
(This is probably due to something I've got set in Preferences but I
can't find what it is.) I'm running SM 2.23 on a Windows XP-SP3
Emails sent to me in HTML appear correctly when I view them. Colors,
graphics and formatting are all preserved and displayed as composed.
However, if I forward the email to my wife, or to another of my email
accounts, the HTML is stripped away and the message is sent in plain
text, losing all original formatting. What is controlling this? Is
something I can change to retain the original formatting?
Dick Hoffman
What is "send format" set in
Edit ==> Preferences ==> Mail & Newsgroups ==> Send Format

The only thing set here is the first bullet, "Ask me...".

Here, I've tried changing "Ask me..." to "Send the message in both..."
-- but that didn't change the odd behavior.

The "Shift - Reply" or "Shift - Forward" methods work here; but about
half the time I forget to do so, then I have to try again. Not a big
deal, but an unnecessary annoyance many times each day, now that most
of my correspondents seem to have switched to HTML mail.

This doesn't seem like sensible default behavior, that's why I'm as
curious as the OP what might be causing this on my system. Other
people report this behavior too, but most don't experience it, so I'm
assuming it's some preference or other, but I've been unsuccessful in
tracking it down.

Everyone in my address book is listed as "Unknown" after "Prefers to
receive messages formatted as..." (because how would I know how the
500 people in my address book like to receive email?). I don't see how
that could be my problem, because the HTML formatting disappears
before I select someone to forward a message to -- but if I could fix
this problem once and for all by changing all those entries, I'd do it!

A few more thoughts:

If you want your default to be HTML, I can't find a way to set SM that
way; all I can find is a pref to list recipient domains' preference
(HTML or plain-text):

Edit | Preferences | Mail & Newsgroups | Send Format

If you're sending mixed messages (plain AND HTML) and your recipient is
seeing them as plain text, the only solution at your end is to send them
as HTML only. Depending on your recipient's email program, they may have
a pref that allows them to display the HTML version of mixed messages,
but you can only suggest that, not control it.

If someone knows how to set HTML as the default sending format and make
exceptions for plain-text recipients, I'd like to know.

Setting HTML Composition - Edit-> Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings, select "Composition & Addressing" of desired account, then first option "Compose messages in HTML format"


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