Ray Davison wrote:
My wife and I were trying to use the WiFi at a McDonald's.  Both these
machines have been to various McDonald's often enough that normally all
we do is power on, wait until everything settles, and we are connected.
   Open the SM browser to any page, it will get redirected to AT&T-McD,
click connect, and SM works normally.

The other day we opened SM, tried to open a page, the tab said AT&T-McD,
the pinwheel twirled.  The bottom of the page said transferring data,
but no page ever opened.

I'm guessing that the problem is likely to be something specific in your profile, rather than Seamonkey itself.

Try Help -> Restart with Add-ons disabled, which will allow you to start Seamonkey in safe mode, with default settings. Or you could try adding an additional profile that has all default settings.

It's been a while since I've been into a McDonald's, but I've never had any problems there with Seamonkey.

It used to be that some sites had problems with Seamonkey (e.g. page developers that equate "Gecko" and "Firefox", without understanding that Firefox is merely one implementation of Gecko), and doing browser sniffing that insists on Firefox as the *only* alternative to IE. In that era, some of us Seamonkey users did some tweaking of the browser identity string (by hacking prefs.js) to show both "Firefox" and "Seamonkey" (as a way of spoofing Firefox, and communicating in log entries that "nobody uses Seamonkey" is false).

A little easier than hacking prefs.js directly is via extension -- either PrefsBar or User Agent Switcher.

In the meantime, since approximately the time that Mozilla went to Rapid Release on Firefox and Thunderbird, the Seamonkey developers have moved to using a string that shows "Firefox", in a way that pretty much satisfies sites that demand Firefox. Since that happened, I don't think I can remember bumping into a site that won't accept Seamonkey. Most often, if I have a site that's not behaving correctly, I assume that it's a result of over-aggressive use of NoScript, AdBlock and/or Ghostery, on my part. If I can't tune settings to make things work correctly, I generally will restart Seamonkey in safe mode, or temporarily move to the profile I keep that has only default settings.


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