Daniel wrote:
On 16/01/2014 10:18 AM, chicagofan wrote:
What is going wrong that any time I *backspace* to change a word, or
correct spelling in a message, SM either underline as a misspelled
word, or drop the space after.  I'm adjusting to the check spelling
underline in correct words, but it's embarrassing for somany messages to
go out with spaces missing between words.  It doesn't look that way
before I send it. Is there anything I can do to stop this?

The other annoyance is when I choose to open the browser, it opens ...
then often reverts to the mail window?  Is there anything I can do to
stop that?  TIA... for any suggestions.  :)
[Forgot to say, I use HTML in mail.  Are there settings I need to change
in this version?]   Is it always Shockwave Flash that is causing that,
if it's called for anywhere in a web page?

I think your "other annoyance" is due to a problem with Flash. Try updating Flash and see if that fixes that problem.

I just did that last week... I'll look again and see if there is a version that works better.

I only Spellcheck as I'm sending so cannot help with your first problem. Sorry.

I hadn't thought about that. Think I will try it and see what happenswith the erroneous underlines.

So no one else is having problems with spaces disappearing? That's discouraging, because I'm forever changing the wording in things I write. :(

Thanks, Daniel!
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