Interviewed by CNN on 20/01/2014 22:15, Mort told the world:
> Hi,
> I have read conflicting ideas about the following, and would like to 
> have some accurate advice.
> I am running Windows 7 Pro and Windows XP Pro on my 2 laptops, which 
> both came with Windows Defender. I also run Avast antivirus software  as 
> well as SuperAntiSpyware.
> My XP laptop refuses to update the Defender, giving a repeat error 
> notice,which Windows Fixit cannot fix.
> Are the Avast and antispyware sufficient? Do I need Defender also? Some 
> articles even said that Defender will interfere with the other programs.

Defender is an antispyware, as is SuperAntispyware and also one of the
Avast modules. It's generally assumed that it's a bad idea to have
several antimalware programs doing essentially the same thing -- they
end up interfering in one another and making your computer slow. (I have
seen at times race conditions between security software taking 99% of
the CPU on customers' machines... a Brazilian banking security tool
called G-Buster is particularly notorious for causing this. But I

Myself, I use just the free Avast and the Windows built-in firewall
(plus, of course, a network router, which nowadays is almost unavoidable
and adds an extra barrier to direct attacks). I also have NoScript in my
main browser, which is annoying at times but makes the black hats' job
much harder. But the most important defense I have is... a suspicious
mind. I have received hundreds of phishing mail messages over the years,
for instance; I don't think I have ever fell for one.


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